Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We made it!

As I write I am looking out the window at an amazing view of the beautiful Pacific Ocean washing up against the beach at Waimanalo. Yes, we are back in Hawaii for our second annual gathering at the House of Stones. We had a great trip yesterday. Did I really just say that? And we even had the boys with us. It was the easiest trip with the boys yet. We had no delays or problems. The boys were well behaved. The lines were short and amazingly the flight went by quickly. I couldn't have asked for a better trip. Well, maybe first class, but that would be pushing my luck.

It took Sammy all of 5 minutes before he was begging to go down to the water. Of course Papa couldn't resist the pull of the blue water either and the two of the hit the beach as soon as all the bags were unloaded.

Papa took Sammy out to wave jump. This involves Papa helping Sammy jump over the waves as they roll in (poor Papa's back). By dinnertime Sammy and Papa were drenched and had sand in every crease of their bodies.

The boys were wiped by the time bedtime rolled around and fell right asleep.

It is good to be back.

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