Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Contest

A momentous event occured in the Walls household today. Suzy and I have moved Daniel's bed into Sammy's room. It is something that we have talked about fairly regularly over the last year. For various reasons we have put it off, but we wanted to do it this summer, before Daniel starts school in the Fall. So far it has gone great. Okay, it is now 8:03, and we just put them down 3 minutes ago.

So, what is the contest? Glad you asked. We have decided to offer a 25$ gift certificate at Amazon to the person who correctly guesses how long this lasts. By 'lasts' I mean we move the boys into separate bedrooms again. Suzy and I are not eligible. Put your guesses in the comments. If you can't comment, email your guesses to us and we will put them in there for you. Guess whatever you want. One week, ten years. It is totally up to you. The winner will be the guess that is closest, without going over (in honor of Bob Barker retiring). Good luck, and let the games begin!


Chrissie said...

OK, is the contest still open or did you cave last night? Since this is Sammy we are talking about, I'd lay money that after 5 days of sleep deprivation, Daniel is going to be begging for his room back.

Now, let me see what I want from Amazon.....

Dan said...

So far it is looking good for you Chrissie, seeing as how you are the only entrant.

Fairfax Walls said...

August 31, 2016

Margaret said...

Six weeks not counting weeks away and allowing for the difficult decision to reorganize again...