When I had Daniel, my firstborn, I became a mother. When Daniel was around 12 months old I became ‘Mama’. Around the time Daniel was three I was occasionally ‘Mommy’. Last week I became ‘Mom’ and it wasn’t Daniel who elevated me to Mom status.
It all started last Friday. Nana, awesome and wonderful person that she is, took Sammy for the morning. Since Daniel had preschool I got to have the morning all to myself. Very, very nice. After I picked up Daniel from school and got home, Sammy ran up to me and said ‘Hi Mom!’ I was very surprised to have my two year old refer to me as Mom and not quite sure if I was ready to be ‘Mom’. I mean I haven’t even been ‘Mama’ or ‘Mommy’ for very long and ‘Mom’ sounds like such a teenager thing to say.
I think Sammy picked it up from Nana when they were leaving that morning and she said, ‘Bye Mom!’ Well, I thought he would probably just forget about it the next day, but now a week later I am still ‘Mom’.
‘Whatcha doing, Mom?’
‘Miss Mom.’
‘Look, Mom, look!’
‘Come on, Mom.’
But I am still ‘Mama’ whenever Sammy is hurt, tired, crabby or needs comforting. Then it’s, ‘Need Mama’, ‘Mama, are you?’ or ‘Carry me Mama’.
So it appears I have prematurely become a Mom. I guess it’s better than Daniel’s phase of calling me ‘Little old Mama’.
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