Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mr. Charisma

It is sometimes weird to live with a celebrity. You can't go out in public without having this person upstage you, everyone wants a piece of this person, everyone wants to catch their eye, just an acknowledgment, that's all people are hoping for, dreaming of.

The celebrity in our house? Is it Suzy? Although she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, she falls short in the fame category to Mr. Charisma. Is it me? Nope, none of you were thinking that! 'Daniel?', you ask. Good guess, tons of reasons why he will one day rule the world, but sadly you are mistaken again.


While walking out of their school last week in our group were me, School Board president, church elder, Sunday School teacher. Not a peep from anyone. My mom, a Pastor at the church in which we are standing. Nothing. Daniel, recent recipient of the school wide VIP award. Crickets chirping. But when Sammy walks through the courtyard it gets ridiculous...

'Sammy, are you leaving already?'
'Hey Sammy!'
'Wanna play, Sammy?'

These things are coming from kids of all ages, preschoolers call out to him, middle schoolers (who are not known for their ability to acknowledge the world in any way) are high-fiving him. Teachers give him broad smiles. Parents give him enthusiastic hugs. It is weird, and it happens all the time. Really it has happened his whole life. I can remember carrying him around the neighborhood after he was born and having people pull their cars over to talk to me about him.

He is Mr. Charisma, if you don't believe me, just spend some time with him, you will know what it is like to be in the shadow of celebrity. What it is like to be captured by his spell.

Sammy, please use your super powers for good, not evil.

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