We got up early this morning (who am I kidding, we get up early every morning) and were out the door by just after 8 AM. After sitting through the 9 minute orientation movie we trekked down the hill and set up camp in Tutu's favorite spot. Sammy and I played in the shallows while Suzy, Papa and Daniel headed out to deep waters. Many fish and one very cold boy later they waddled past Sammy and I on their way in to warm up and snack away.

Showing the resiliancy of youth, Daniel was soon ready to head back out, so I got my shot. Out Daniel and I went to find Papa, while Suzy took a turn chasing Sammy around. I particularly liked seeing the humuhumu, and we also got to see some cool fish that mimiced rocks. Speaking of mimicing a rock, I soon did my best rock impersonation, catching some much needed rest before the surprise of the day happened. Sammy, my anti-water boy, continued his surprises of yesterday by asking to go out in the deep water.

After getting out there, he decided that actually sticking that big head underwater might scare all the fish away. So, being the nature loving kid that he is, he declined to actually snorkel, but he did let me pull him around the bay for a while.

The boys then had a lot of fun playing in the shallows and sand together before we headed up the hill.

Proof that we actually made it up the hill (and didn't even take the shuttle, which was a mistake...) After that busy morning we snuck over to Hawaii Kai for an early lunch (Korean BBQ) and some treats at Zippys and Bubbies. Sammy was busy enjoying his pastry from Zippys, when his Mama came out of Bubbies with some more mochi ice cream. Needless to say, the pastry was soon forgotten as his begging kicked in.
Hawaii Kai is a pretty nice little community, with a waterway that we were enjoying during our lunch. After lunch we headed home for some much needed downtime, during which only Papa was able to sleep. That is, he was able to sleep after getting his first victory at Mexican Train, a domino game we have been playing a lot of.
What's going on tomorrow? Glad you asked, I think that we will be having some yummy food and finding some pristine beach. Wish us luck in finding the food and beach.