Monday, May 07, 2007

Treasure Hunt

Today Daniel and Sammy's preschool class went on a pirate treasure hunt. We met at the Coronado Ferry Landing were the kids found the first clue, to take the ferry across the bay to downtown. After our boat ride across the beautiful blue water we were sent looking for more clues all along the waterfront. The kids were so excited as they ran from clue to clue in search of the lost treasure.

Sammy didn't quite get it or was just more interested in the things around him. As the other kids made a mad dash from clue to clue, Sammy picked flowers, found rocks and explored his surroundings. Daniel, on the other hand, really got it and was very anxious to find each clue. Daniel, ever the sensitive one, even shed some tears over not being the first to find the clues.

After much walking and searching (and it was HOT, HOT, HOT, even down by the water) and two trips across the bay, we were led under the ferry dock where a skeleton pointed to an X drawn in the sand. The kids frantically dug away at the sand and uncovered a treasure box. Inside were jewels (plastic beaded necklaces), gold (little beanie fishes and dolphins) and family quilt squares each parent had made (later we will put all the squares together to make a big quilt).

I think the adults were all pretty tired by the end of it, I know I was, but the kids really had a blast. Searching for lost treasure on a beautiful sunny day...that's about as good as it gets.

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