Sunday, May 14, 2006

Work of Art

I have been spending the last few weekends painting a huge mural for our church's vacation bible school. I have turned the conference room at Dan's work into my studio and paint for about three hours during the boy's nap.

Last week's progress

After seeing the enormity of the project I was quite intimidated by the whole thing and thought maybe I was taking on more than I could handle. Now that I have gotten started painting, I am so glad I took on the challenge. I really haven't painted since college, almost ten years ago. (Yikes! Has it really been that long since I graduated?) I has been so much fun pulling out all my old paints and brushes and throwing paint onto a blank canvas. There is nothing like seeing a painting coming together. You start out with a blank canvas, sketch out your idea, start laying down the color, add details and shadows and before you know it you have a work of art.

This week's progress

I can't wait till it's done. I just need someone else to commission me to do another work of art to keep me going. Anyone?

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