For the past week or so I have been leaving Sammy's diaper off whenever we are at home and I have the time to watch him and help him use the potty. Without a lot of encouragement Sammy was good about telling me when he had to go shi-shi (pee) and had no problem getting on the potty, holding his penis down and letting loose. Then on Wednesday he had his first poop in the potty. It was only a small amount, but boy was I excited. Then on Thursday when Sammy was sitting on the pot and seeming to try and poop I asked him if he wanted to be left alone (I remembered that the key to getting Daniel to poop on the potty was to give him privacy). Well, I didn't give Sammy total privacy because I wanted to see what he was doing, but I hid outside the door and peeked in. Sure enough Sammy pooped and this time he was just about as excited as me, and I don't think it was just because he gets a Hershey kiss each time he uses the potty. I think he was really proud of himself.
Fast forward to Friday night. Dan and I had our Lenten bible study, so Nana was watching the boys. As Nana tells it Sammy was sitting on the potty in privacy and then ran out excitedly yelling, 'I made plops! I made plops!', and then sprinted back to the bathroom saying, 'I'm gonna make more plops. Big plops!' Yep, that's my boy!
This weekend Sammy continued to use the potty and even kept his diaper dry during a nap and told me he had to shi-shi when I went and got him. This whole potty training has taken me completely by surprise. I didn't really expect for him to potty train himself so quickly, I was just getting him geared up. I guess my little baby is growing up. The only downside to Sammy getting potty trained is I will have to move him out of his crib once he is wearing underwear for naps and nighttime. Hopefully that will not be for a while because Sammy not confined to his crib is a scary thought. But not having to change another poopy diaper might just be worth it.
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